Achieving SEO, On and Off Your Website

Use keywords wisely
When crawling a page, search engines read your page title and page (meta) description first. If they contain the keyword that’s searched, voilĂ , your site appears on the search results list. You get about 60 characters to sell yourself in the page title and up to 150 characters for your page description—a summary of your page’s offerings. Use these characters wisely.
Take a moment to consider the keywords and phrases people search to find you and your services. Now, think about the different ways these might be said, and include these keyword synonyms on your website. For example, synonyms to pediatrics or pediatrician might be pediatric doctor, pediatric specialists, well child services, well child checks, healthcare for kids, childhood immunizations, and more. You’ll also want to anchor keywords to other parts of your website, including your blog or service listings, to invite click throughs—another way to boost your ranking.
Load up on subheads
Since headings and subheadings are crawled for keywords more frequently than body copy, it’s important to use plenty of subheadings. Use your primary keyword in your page heading and your secondary keywords in your subheadings. Use keyword synonyms in the body copy, making sure it flows naturally.
Writing content for SEO goes much deeper than placing keywords. You have to write content that gives your readers solutions or makes them want to act. The more SEO-rich content you have on your site, the better your chances for findability and off-site SEO success.

Write quality content
Now that you’ve driven traffic to your site, how do you keep them engaged? More importantly, how do you convert them to paying patients? With useful, engaging content that speaks to your primary audience—parents. Add patient education and blog topics that match common questions you hear during office visits. Keep your readers scrolling by providing digestible content that’s full of bulleted lists, calls to action, engaging photos and call out boxes with helpful tips and patient quotes.  
You may have heard that Google constantly changes its algorithm. This not only keeps content marketers in a job, it ensures that searches produce quality results. In recent years, Google has begun to add more human-behavioral data to the mix. For example, they now rate how well your website helps visitors accomplish their goals.
Bringing that idea home to your pediatric website looks like this:
A mother wants to know if her child’s fever warrants a trip to the ER; you have quality content on your site that answers when to seek help for a fever. If your content answered her question, you score with Google.

The ultimate prize: off-site SEO
Being strategic about your content increases the chance that it will be shared via social media and linked to by other websites. That’s called creating off-site SEO.
These links, called back links, win site validation from Google. The higher your Google “social validation” score, the higher your rankings. Of course, a high ranking means your site comes up at the top of the search list—the ultimate SEO goal.
At RemedyConnect, we help boost your findability with mobile-first website, SEO findability, digital marketing services and more. Explore how we can make you SEO-friendly both on and off your site.

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